NEWS • 27.03.2023

Subsidies and Grants for the Renovation of Air-conditioning Equipment: Energy Efficiency and Decarbonisation

We are often reluctant to renew technological devices, household appliances or air conditioning equipment, believing that we are making a financial saving.   

This belief is totally erroneous, since thanks to the technological advances that are continually being made, by installing the latest generation equipment we are not only making long-term economic savings, in terms of electricity bills, the cost of replacing obsolete or outdated parts and components, or continuous repairs, but also energy savings, which is extremely essential in the fight against climate change. 



The European Union has launched the well-known Next Generation funds to alleviate the economic and social damage caused by the health crisis, as well as to lay the foundations for the modernisation and sustainability of member states.

In Spain, these European funds are implemented in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. As its name indicates, this plan seeks the modernisation and recovery of our country’s economy, based on 4 cross-cutting axes: ecological transition, digital transformation, gender equality and social and territorial cohesion.

These aids are coordinated by the state administration and implemented and executed by the Autonomous Communities. On the Auren website you can find a search engine for aid by Autonomous Communities and provinces, which allows you to find out which programmes and how they are implemented according to your place of residence. 

What kind of connection is there between Keyter and these European funds? The ecological transition axis, among its objectives, seeks to promote renewable energies, with heat pumps being a type of renewable energy for air conditioning.
There are four types of aid that cover the replacement of obsolete or more polluting air conditioning and heating systems with more efficient and green alternatives such as heat pumps.

Firstly, Real Decreto 1124/2021, de 21 de diciembre, por el que se aprueba la concesión directa a las comunidades autónomas y a las ciudades de Ceuta y Melilla de ayudas para la ejecución de los programas de incentivos para la implantación de instalaciones de energías renovables térmicas en diferentes sectores de la economía, en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia. The incentive programmes included in this Royal Decree have a direct impact on the installation of thermal renewable energies. They are aimed at residential, industrial, agricultural and livestock sectors, services, other sectors of the economy, non-residential buildings and public infrastructures. These aids will be granted by simple concurrence, that is to say, in the order in which the applications are presented. 


At Keyter, we are committed to efficient solutions that are considered renewable thermal energy and are included in these incentive programmes. We have a wide range of heat pumps that meet the needs of each sector or project.

On the other hand, el Real Decreto 477/2021, de 29 de junio, por el que se aprueba la concesión directa a las comunidades autónomas y a las ciudades de Ceuta y Melilla de ayudas para la ejecución de diversos programas de incentivos ligados al autoconsumo y al almacenamiento, con fuentes de energía renovable, así como a la implantación de sistemas térmicos renovables en el sector residencial, en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia; includes 6 incentive programmes related both to the storage and self-consumption of renewable energy and the installation of renewable thermal systems (programme 6) in the residential sector (single-family homes, communities of owners, protected public housing, entities and non-profit organisations). This aid will also be granted through simple concurrence. In this sector, it is also worth mentioning Real Decreto 853/2021, de 5 de octubre, por el que se regulan los programas de ayuda en materia de rehabilitación residencial y vivienda social del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia. 

Mention should also be made of the PREE (Programme for the Energy Rehabilitation of Buildings) for Tourism, which includes actions to improve the energy efficiency of the thermal envelope, the use of renewable energies in thermal installations for heating, cooling, air conditioning and domestic hot water; the improvement of energy efficiency in existing installations for the production and distribution of air conditioning and DHW that do not involve the use of fossil fuels; and the improvement of lighting installations in tourist businesses such as hotels or tourist residences.

Currently, the PREE for Tourism is already being implemented in many of the Autonomous Communities; in some of them, the deadline is about to expire. In spite of this, it is estimated that in a short time a PREE at the tertiary level in general (not only focused on the tourism sector) will also be launched, which is expected to be similar to this PREE for Tourism.

Whether it is the industrial, residential, agricultural or sports sector; with this battery of subsidies we have the opportunity to renew air conditioning and heating equipment; achieving more energy efficient buildings, homes, facilities and companies; thus contributing to the fight against climate change.

At Keyter, it is clear to us that air conditioning can be green, which is why we are continuously working on the development of equipment and projects based on technological innovation and the preservation of the environment.

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