NEWS • 11.04.2024

Workshops on Energy Savings Certificates (CAEs)

in Alicante, organized by KEYTER and FEMPA

KEYTER, leader in innovation in HVAC&R systems is pleased to announce a collaboration with the Regional Federation of Metal Entrepreneurs of the Province of Alicante (FEMPA) to organize specialized workshops on Energy Savings Certificates (CAEs).

These workshops, to be held in Alicante, are designed to provide HVAC&R professionals with in-depth knowledge about the importance and benefits of CAEs in the field of air conditioning and industrial refrigeration.

We are excited to collaborate with FEMPA in organizing these exclusive workshops on Energy Savings Certificates,” expressed Julián Urrea, Commercial Delegate of KEYTER INTARCON. “We firmly believe in the importance of energy efficiency in our sector and are committed to providing tools and knowledge that promote sustainability and energy savings in our clients’ facilities”.

The workshops will address key topics related to CAEs, including their regulations, acquisition process, and practical implications. Additionally, guidance will be provided on how to maximize energy savings potential in air conditioning and refrigeration projects.

The exclusive workshops on CAEs organized by KEYTER and FEMPA will take place at the FEMPA headquarters on April 17th at 16:30h and are open to HVAC&R professionals, as well as representatives of companies interested in improving the energy efficiency of their facilities.

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